Life with the B's

Monday, October 08, 2007

Birthday Boy

Boys and their guns.... he's 13 today, so I'm trying to loosen the reigns a little, which means I let him play on the football team again (ok, so I started loosening little last year...) and I let him play with guns. NOT real guns of course, but it's still a big step for me. The look of mischievous joy on his face is bittersweet, to say the least!

He had 5 of his friends for an all-nighter in the basement, and I must say they were all very good. At one point they were stomping around the entire house pelting each other with the Nerf "bullets" when I had to leave. All that testosterone and noise in this tiny house was more than I could take. (Plus I promised I would take Emma to the mall! Smart, huh?)

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