It's a Boy!
(cat, that is!)
We've aquired a new addition to our family, one which we weren't so sure at first was going to work out. His name is Mousey, and we saved him from going to Lollypop Farm. The first 24 hours were trying, as Mousey was tormenting my precious Max, who wouldn't hurt a flea. They must've worked it out, since they get along famously now.
Mousey is about 5 months old, and a cute little bugger. He can't meow except for a squeak, which is a switch from Max who talks constantly! About an inch out from his behind, his tail turns to his right at 90 degrees and looks a little shorter than normal for most cats. We can't figure out if it was a birth defect, or an accident with a door! But the fur is all in place, and he looks normal except that he's always pointing to the right. With problems like that, one could worry Mousey would have a communication problem, but he makes up for it by purring easily. Mousey also likes to shed, which I hope is just a kitten thing, but Max has yet to shed as much in 7 months as Mousey does in a day. But all the same, he's a part of the family now and we love him anyway!